Your First Visit

A reproductive health evaluation will help you to identify any cause for concern with regards to your reproductive health. If you’re planning for a baby, you should consider having an evaluation about your reproductive health if you check any of the following boxes:

During your visit to Alpha IVF, a complete evaluation on you and your partner will allow our doctor to recommend a suitable treatment option that has the highest chance to succeed, while weighing any risks. This should take into consideration the best option clinically and also which will suit your lifestyle and financial situation.

We understand how difficult this is for most patients considering the many misconceptions associated with fertility issues and to take the courage to schedule a visit can be one of the most difficult choices to make for some. Making an appointment to see a fertility specialist is a big step but be assured that our team of fertility experts will assist you in every step that you take throughout your journey with us.

Prior to your appointment, having an idea of what happens during your first consultation might be helpful in aiding you to make an informed decision.



We strongly encourage you and your partner to arrive at least 2 hours prior to your first scheduled appointment as there are processes to undergo before your consultation with your doctor.


A series of assessments will be performed on both you and your partner before you meet our fertility specialist to discuss any issues concerning your reproductive health and the best options available for you.

Your Parenthood Journey Starts Here

Contact us today to begin your journey toward building the family of your dreams.