Our IVF Success Rates

*Please be aware that outcomes may differ based on individual circumstances, and not all treatment cycles will lead to egg retrieval, embryo transfer, or embryo cryopreservation.

Our IVF Success Rates on Record

Innovative technologies in IVF significantly impact success rates. As a patient at ALPHA IVF, you have access to cutting-edge fertility treatments and technologies that yield success rates comparable to those of top IVF centers globally.

The following outlines our published IVF success rates in 4 categories –

  • Blastocyst Transfer Program
  • IVF with and without PGS
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer Program (FET)

Blastocyst Transfer Program

Alpha IVF’s fresh blastocyst transfer demonstrates elevated clinical pregnancy and implantation rates while mitigating the risk of higher-order multiple pregnancies. Refer to the table below for an overview of Alpha IVF’s Blastocyst Transfer Program*.

*Lee CSS, Lim YX, Low SY (Alpha Fertility Centre). Fresh blastocyst transfer yields high clinical pregnancy and implantation rates and avoids higher order multiple pregnancies. Presented at the 23rd Malaysian Congress of the Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Malaysia, 5-8 June 2014, Selangor, Malaysia (Selected as one of the top 8 best abstracts).

Fresh blastocyst transfer from day 5 – 6, Non PGS, ICSI Mean number of blastocysts transferred is 2.0

IVF with and without Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)

IVF failure commonly results from unintentionally transferring embryos with chromosomal abnormalities. By utilizing PGT-A (formerly known as PGS), only embryos with the correct chromosome count (euploid) are selected for transfer, thereby enhancing pregnancy rates.

The following graphs illustrate the clinical pregnancy rates for patients undergoing IVF treatment with and without PGS*.

Clinical Pregnancy Rate (Stratified by Age Group)
July 2013 – December 2015

*Low SY, Lee CSS, Lim YX (Alpha Fertility Centre). Euploid blastocysts show a trend of higher implantation and clinical pregnancy rates compared to untested blastocysts in FET cycles. Reproductive Biomedicine Online 2016;32(S1):S21 (Presented at 11th Alpha Biennial Congress, 5 – 8th May 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark)

World Class Success Rate Up To 82.9%*

We also demonstrated that transfer of a single good graded euploid blastocyst produces pregnancy rates as high as 82.9%.

Good graded euploid blastocyst transfer

*Lee CSS, Low SY, Lim YX, Keith J (Alpha Fertility Centre). Vitrified-warmed good graded euploid blastocysts aged <120 hours at the time of transfer yield superior clinical pregnancy and implantation rates . (Presented at 24th Congress of the Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of Malaysia, 2-5th June 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.)
* Clinical pregnancy rate from the transfer of vitrified-warmed good graded euploid blastocysts aged <120hours at the time of transfer, ICSI.
Mean age 32.1 (range 18-41 including autologous and egg donor) Study period : July 2013 – December 2015

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