Our Numerous 1st Milestones

Our Doctors, Embryologists and staff through ALPHA IVF & the other fertility centres we worked with, produced numerous 1sts:
  1. The WORLD’s 1st successful pregnancy using definitive high-resolution HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) genotyping from a single PGT biopsy in Saviour Sibling Programme from a monogenic disorder. (62nd All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (AICOG), Bengaluru, India, 8-12 Jan 2019)
  2. The WORLD’s 1st to demonstrate that combining a Day 5 and Day 6 Blastocyst results in very high pregnancy rates (Clinical Pregnancy Rate: 71.4%, Implantation Rate: 46.4%). (6th Congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction, Jakarta, Indonesia, 8 – 10th April 2016)
  3. The WORLD’s 1st successful live birth following frozen embryo transfer of a 1PN embryo after PGD-MaCGH analysis. (14th International Conference on PGD, Chicago, USA 2015)
  4. The WORLD’s 1st to demonstrate that embryos derived from conventional IVF have lower aneuploidy rates compared to embryos derived from ICSI. (13th International Conference on PGD. Cantebury, UK, May 2014)
  5. The WORLD’s 1st to demonstrate similar euploidy rates among D3 apronuclear (0PN), unipronuclear (1PN) and 2 PN embryos using MaCGH analysis. (12th International Conference on PGD. Istanbul, Turkey, May 2013)
  6. The WORLD’s 1st reported successful pregnancy following the use of freeze-thawed sperm, freeze-thawed eggs, and freeze-thawed embryoes. (10th Royal College of O&G International Scientific Congress, June 2012)
  7. The WORLD’s 1st successful pregnancy and delivery in a patient with Mullerian Dysgenesis (a woman born without a vagina). (Reproductive BioMedicine Online, Vol 24, Issue 5, Pages 547-549), (May 2012)
  8. The WORLD’s 1st successful pregnancy and delivery following PGD-CGH diagnosis of chromosome inversion. (11th International Conference on PGD, May 17th – 19th 2012, Austria)
  9. The WORLD’s 1st PRP treatment for Ashermann’s Syndrome with resulting successful pregnancy and delivery (2010)
  10. The WORLD’s 1st to show that an older uterus (about 40 years old) achieves similar pregnancy rates compared to uterus less than 30 years old. (Reproductive Biomedicine Online, 16(SUPPI2):S37-38 2008)
  11. The WORLD’s 1st to demonstrate the importance of embryo transfer duration on pregnancy outcome. (14th World Congress on IVF and 3rd World Congress on IVM. Montreal, Canada. 15-19 September 2007)
  12. The WORLD’s 1st reported delivery following the salvage of a presumably abnormal embryo. (7th Congress of PGDIS. Melbourne, Australia 13-15 June 2007)
  1. Asia & Australia’s 1st successful pregnancy following world’s only proven sperm sorting technology after PGD-MaCGH analysis. (2015)
  2. Asia & Australia’s 1st successful pregnancy following world’s only proven sperm sorting technology after Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). (2015)
  3. Asia & Australia’s 1st successful pregnancy following PGD-CGH diagnosis of chromosome translocation. (10th Royal College of O&G International Scientific Congress June 2012)
  4. Asia & Australia’s 1st pregnancies and babies through Micro-Array Comparative Genomic Hybridisation PGD for 24 chromosomes with fresh transfer. (2011)
  1. South East Asia’s 1st to achieve 100% survival for frozen blastocysts (2013)
  2. South East Asia’s 1st to achieve 100% survival for frozen embryos (2013)
  3. South East Asia’s 1st IVF Surrogate Baby (1995)
  4. South East Asia’s 1st to achieve successful pregnancy using artificial intelligence (AI)-enhanced embryo selection technology (March,2021)
  1. Malaysia’s 1st successful pregnancy for Alpha Thalassemia using PGD with concurrent PGS on a single platform from a single biopsy (2015)
  2. Malaysia’s 1st Rescue-ICSI twin babies (2009)
  3. Malaysia’s 1st conception quadruplets (2 babies born each time 1.5 years apart) (2003)
  4. Malaysia’s 1st freeze-thaw blastocyst transfer pregnancy (2003)
  5. Malaysia’s 1st blastocyst transfer IVF baby (2002)
  6. Malaysia’s 1st sperm donor blastocyst transfer IVF baby (2002)
  7. Malaysia’s 1st blastocyst transfer ICSI baby (2002)
  8. Malaysia’s 1st Mesa-ICSI blastocyst transfer baby (2002)
  9. Malaysia’s 1st donated frozen embryo pregnancy (1999)
  10. Malaysia’s 1st conception twins born 1.5 years apart (1997)
  11. Malaysia’s 1st frozen embryo baby (1996)
  12. Malaysia’s 1st successful TEST (Tubal Embryo Transfer)(1989)
  13. Malaysia’s 1st successful PROST (Pronuclear Transfer) baby (1988)
  14. Malaysia’s 1st successful GIFT twins (1987)
  15. Malaysia’s 1st IVF Baby delivered (1986)
  1. Demonstrated successful twin pregnancy following transfer of a 2PN and 0PN embryo after PGD-MaCGH analysis. (ASRM, Baltimore, USA, 2015)
  2. Demonstrated that 1PN embryos can be normal & therefore should not be discarded. (14th International Conference on PGDIS, Chicago, USA, 2015)
  3. Demonstrated the safety of fertilization without ICSI for embryos undergoing PGS. (13th PGDIS 2014, Canterbury, UK)
  4. Achieved Malaysia’s highest IVF clinical pregnancy and take-home baby rates
  5. Produced the highest number of test-tube babies born in Malaysia
  6. Pioneered the successful application of Comparative Genomic Hybridisation for testing embryos with chromosomal inversion and translocation. (11th International Conference on PGD, 2012, Austria & 10th Royal College of O&G International Scientific Congress, 2012)
  7. Achieved Malaysia’s highest GIFT clinical pregnancy and take-home baby rates
  8. Developed a mathematical formula to guide doctors on appropriate quantum of ovarian drilling. (Life, Issue 9, Page 14-16, 2007)
  9. Demonstrated the value of tube rinsing in oocyte recovery procedure. (14th World Congress on IVF & 3rd World Congress on IVM. Montreal, Canada, 2007)
  10. Demonstrate the importance of embryo transfer duration on pregnancy outcome. (14th World Congress on IVF and 3rd World Congress on IVM. Montreal, Canada, 2007)
  11. Demonstrated that 0PN embryos can be normal & therefore should not be discarded. (7th Congress of PGDIS. Melbourne, Australia, 2007)
  12. Developed a highly-effective technique protocol and communication system for embryo transfer. (ASRM, 2005)
  13. Produced 11 consecutive ART pregnancies – obtained higher IVF pregnancy rates compared to all 67 IVF centres in the UK (2001)
  14. Invented a womb mimicking machine called “SHOOGLE” (Patent pending)

*All the above are achieved by doctors, embryologists, and staff that now constitute Alpha IVF & Women’s Specialists

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